
Suggestions and Complaints

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1. Shemeer S - 12/02/2025, 11:00:43
Please provide KPEPF (LSG Department) Temporary Advance / NRA calculator tool
OK. Right now, there is only a tool to calculate GPF's temporary advance and NRA. Later, we can also prepare a tool for KPEPF.
2. Krishnaprakash - 11/02/2025, 19:29:12
Is there any tab for new pay revision arrear calculation?
3. RAKUL J - 08/02/2025, 18:40:10
Not able to prepare Final income tax statement
What is the problem? If there is any error, please email it to [email protected].
4. akhil - 04/02/2025, 19:55:27
Income to be deducted is showing as 2 installment instead of one month.
The number of installments will change automatically after the fourth day of every month.
The minimum number of installments is 2. After that is The Final Statement.
5. Krishnakumar - 28/01/2025, 16:39:27
Form 10E calculation is not responding...
You can only calculate Form 10E if you are logged in.
6. john Eapen - 26/01/2025, 22:41:11
2024-25 year tax calculator
The income tax calculation for the financial year 2024-25 is available on the website.
7. New Tax Regime Error - 09/01/2025, 08:43:30
I think Sec 80CCD 2 is a “Employer's contribution to NPS”. Not a Taxpayer's contribution to NPS.
You are right. But Employer's contribution is only deductible if it is shown in income. So most people don't show it. That's why it was not given in ecostatt.
8. New Tax Regime Error - 08/01/2025, 21:35:51
In New Tax Regime deduction is allowed under sec 80CCD 2. But It is not available in ecostatt's calculation. In new regime calculation ecostatt only deducts Conveyance Allowance & Standard Deduction (Rs. 75,000/-) amounts. There should be option for NPS contribution under sec 80 CCD 2.
In New Tax Regime, there is no deduction for “Taxpayer's contribution to NPS”. Only “Employer's contribution to NPS” is deductible. That is why it was not added in ecostatt.
9. Suresh - 01/01/2025, 04:59:36
When are final income tax statements published?
The Anticipatory Statement and Final Statement are available on the website. You can print them at any time.
10. Pay Rievision - 28/12/2024, 14:48:42
Update 11th pay revision 2021 and Scale of Pay
Which scales have been updated after the pay revision? Can you please email the details.
11. INDIRA G - 18/12/2024, 23:54:24
Sir, please add field from year 2009 onwards for 10E calculation in incomtax
To keep the website as simple as possible, only 10 fields are provided in the 10E calculation. So please do the rest yourself.
12. Jinson e - 17/11/2024, 19:30:59
Please update the questions in Registration Test. Some wrong answers are included.Registration test part1-2paper question no. 17 (correct answer is Book -1 Contains 250 pages in a volume )
Ok, let us check. Please wait.
Which test question in “Kerala Registration Test: Part I – II Paper” did you mention? Could you please email that question and its correct answer to [email protected]
13. Thomson - 14/11/2024, 11:17:31
Tax Calculation window have some problems
What is the problem? Please explain in detail.
Please email the problems and their screenshots (if any) to [email protected].
14. Padmakumar - 14/11/2024, 10:21:14
pensioners need to enter their income details w.e.f. april to march. but the website provides the column for march to february as service persons. kindly make necessary updations.
Start entering from the March column. There is another link for pensioners to print the statement.
15. Aneesh M - 09/11/2024, 13:26:00
Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper II-Test 2-Question No 93-Question is incomplete and senseless... Please check and make necessary corrections...Thank you
OK, we will check the questions you mentioned.
Sir, you are right. Questions are not clear. So we will add new questions there.
16. Aneesh M - 08/11/2024, 20:49:37
Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper II-Test 2-Question No 61-Question is incomplete and senseless... Please check and make necessary corrections...Thank you
17. Aneesh M - 08/11/2024, 20:45:49
Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper II-Test 2-Question is incomplete and senseless... Please check and make necessary corrections...Thank you
18. Aneesh M - 25/10/2024, 16:32:30
In the Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper1-Test3-Question 95 The question is not complete and doesn't make any sense .... please check
Ok. Let's check it. Please wait.
Some part is missing in the question. We are trying to figure it out. If not, we will add a new question there.
Didn't get all parts of the question. Therefore, another question has been added instead.
19. Jinson e - 24/10/2024, 21:51:42
Please update the questions in Registration Test. Some wrong answers are included. (Book -1 is 250 pages in a volume )
Can be corrected. Can you tell us which questions are wrong?
20. Aneesh M - 22/10/2024, 20:44:46
In the Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper1-Test2-Question 94 The options do not relate to the question in any respect.... please check
Ok. We will check.
Sir, the question has been corrected. Thanks for your information.
21. RAJIMOL P C - 31/08/2024, 13:53:20
While calculating income tax medisep premium deducted from salary can be deducted directly u/s 80D.
Yes, medisep premium can be directly deducted from salary.
22. RAJIMOL P C - 30/08/2024, 16:41:14
Change Income tax slab to old regime for me
You can do it yourself. The slab can be changed through the "Tax Details Table" or through the dropdown at the top of the page.
23. VELAYUDHAN K P THRISSUR - 11/08/2024, 13:33:25
Yes, you are right. Now corrected.
24. Kannan - 29/07/2024, 16:50:47
The Anticipated Income tax calculator for the financial year 2024-25, when will be modified as per New Budget?
Currently working on it. Will update in two or three days.
25. SVN - 19/07/2024, 15:34:26
2023-24 year form 16 not available
It is available. Look at the print forms menu in "Previous Tax Calculations".