Your suggestions and complaints are more important as they helped us improve a lot.
So we request you to avoid compliments and to send us your valuable suggestions and complaints.
1. Shemeer S - 12/02/2025, 11:00:43 |
Please provide KPEPF (LSG Department) Temporary Advance / NRA calculator tool |
ecostatt |
OK. Right now, there is only a tool to calculate GPF's temporary advance and NRA. Later, we can also prepare a tool for KPEPF. |
2. Krishnaprakash - 11/02/2025, 19:29:12 |
Is there any tab for new pay revision arrear calculation? |
ecostatt |
No |
3. RAKUL J - 08/02/2025, 18:40:10 |
Not able to prepare Final income tax statement |
ecostatt |
What is the problem? If there is any error, please email it to [email protected]. |
4. akhil - 04/02/2025, 19:55:27 |
Income to be deducted is showing as 2 installment instead of one month. |
ecostatt |
The number of installments will change automatically after the fourth day of every month. |
ecostatt |
The minimum number of installments is 2. After that is The Final Statement. |
5. Krishnakumar - 28/01/2025, 16:39:27 |
Form 10E calculation is not responding... |
ecostatt |
You can only calculate Form 10E if you are logged in. |
6. john Eapen - 26/01/2025, 22:41:11 |
2024-25 year tax calculator |
ecostatt |
The income tax calculation for the financial year 2024-25 is available on the website. |
7. New Tax Regime Error - 09/01/2025, 08:43:30 |
I think Sec 80CCD 2 is a “Employer's contribution to NPS”. Not a Taxpayer's contribution to NPS. |
ecostatt |
You are right. But Employer's contribution is only deductible if it is shown in income. So most people don't show it. That's why it was not given in ecostatt. |
8. New Tax Regime Error - 08/01/2025, 21:35:51 |
In New Tax Regime deduction is allowed under sec 80CCD 2. But It is not available in ecostatt's calculation. In new regime calculation ecostatt only deducts Conveyance Allowance & Standard Deduction (Rs. 75,000/-) amounts. There should be option for NPS contribution under sec 80 CCD 2. |
ecostatt |
In New Tax Regime, there is no deduction for “Taxpayer's contribution to NPS”. Only “Employer's contribution to NPS” is deductible. That is why it was not added in ecostatt. |
9. Suresh - 01/01/2025, 04:59:36 |
When are final income tax statements published? |
ecostatt |
The Anticipatory Statement and Final Statement are available on the website. You can print them at any time. |
10. Pay Rievision - 28/12/2024, 14:48:42 |
Update 11th pay revision 2021 and Scale of Pay |
ecostatt |
Which scales have been updated after the pay revision? Can you please email the details. |
11. INDIRA G - 18/12/2024, 23:54:24 |
Sir, please add field from year 2009 onwards for 10E calculation in incomtax |
ecostatt |
To keep the website as simple as possible, only 10 fields are provided in the 10E calculation. So please do the rest yourself. |
12. Jinson e - 17/11/2024, 19:30:59 |
Please update the questions in Registration Test. Some wrong answers are included.Registration test part1-2paper question no. 17 (correct answer is Book -1 Contains 250 pages in a volume ) |
ecostatt |
Ok, let us check. Please wait. |
ecostatt |
Which test question in “Kerala Registration Test: Part I – II Paper” did you mention? Could you please email that question and its correct answer to [email protected] |
13. Thomson - 14/11/2024, 11:17:31 |
Tax Calculation window have some problems |
ecostatt |
What is the problem? Please explain in detail. |
ecostatt |
Please email the problems and their screenshots (if any) to [email protected]. |
14. Padmakumar - 14/11/2024, 10:21:14 |
pensioners need to enter their income details w.e.f. april to march. but the website provides the column for march to february as service persons. kindly make necessary updations. |
ecostatt |
Start entering from the March column. There is another link for pensioners to print the statement. |
15. Aneesh M - 09/11/2024, 13:26:00 |
Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper II-Test 2-Question No 93-Question is incomplete and senseless... Please check and make necessary corrections...Thank you |
ecostatt |
OK, we will check the questions you mentioned. |
ecostatt |
Sir, you are right. Questions are not clear. So we will add new questions there. |
16. Aneesh M - 08/11/2024, 20:49:37 |
Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper II-Test 2-Question No 61-Question is incomplete and senseless... Please check and make necessary corrections...Thank you |
17. Aneesh M - 08/11/2024, 20:45:49 |
Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper II-Test 2-Question is incomplete and senseless... Please check and make necessary corrections...Thank you |
18. Aneesh M - 25/10/2024, 16:32:30 |
In the Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper1-Test3-Question 95 The question is not complete and doesn't make any sense .... please check |
ecostatt |
Ok. Let's check it. Please wait. |
ecostatt |
Some part is missing in the question. We are trying to figure it out. If not, we will add a new question there. |
ecostatt |
Didn't get all parts of the question. Therefore, another question has been added instead. |
19. Jinson e - 24/10/2024, 21:51:42 |
Please update the questions in Registration Test. Some wrong answers are included. (Book -1 is 250 pages in a volume ) |
ecostatt |
Can be corrected. Can you tell us which questions are wrong? |
20. Aneesh M - 22/10/2024, 20:44:46 |
In the Department tests-Panchayath test-Paper1-Test2-Question 94 The options do not relate to the question in any respect.... please check |
ecostatt |
Ok. We will check. |
ecostatt |
Sir, the question has been corrected. Thanks for your information. |
21. RAJIMOL P C - 31/08/2024, 13:53:20 |
While calculating income tax medisep premium deducted from salary can be deducted directly u/s 80D. |
ecostatt |
Yes, medisep premium can be directly deducted from salary. |
22. RAJIMOL P C - 30/08/2024, 16:41:14 |
Change Income tax slab to old regime for me |
ecostatt |
You can do it yourself. The slab can be changed through the "Tax Details Table" or through the dropdown at the top of the page. |
23. VELAYUDHAN K P THRISSUR - 11/08/2024, 13:33:25 |
ecostatt |
Yes, you are right. Now corrected. |
24. Kannan - 29/07/2024, 16:50:47 |
The Anticipated Income tax calculator for the financial year 2024-25, when will be modified as per New Budget? |
ecostatt |
Currently working on it. Will update in two or three days. |
25. SVN - 19/07/2024, 15:34:26 |
2023-24 year form 16 not available |
ecostatt |
It is available. Look at the print forms menu in "Previous Tax Calculations". |