
Suggestions and Complaints

51. sindhu kumari gs - 20/02/2024, 11:57:18
cant calculate tax
We request you to avoid office working time. If the problem is still not solved, send an email to [email protected].
52. Divyalal R K - 20/02/2024, 11:55:26
Worst site. Wasted two days on this useless site. Entering my data and nothing appearing on the final print out....
We request you to avoid office working time. If the problem is still not solved, send an email to [email protected].
53. anoop - 20/02/2024, 11:39:06
Can't generate report
We request you to avoid office working time. If the problem is still not solved, send an email to [email protected].
54. JAWAHAR K - 20/02/2024, 11:13:55
Toady also tried many times still to give calculate option after entering all figures, suddenly page is not working. Its urgent for me. Please let me know the solution.
We request you to avoid office working time. If the problem is still not solved, send an email to [email protected].
55. PRAMOD P K - 20/02/2024, 09:17:04
Cant't calculate and genrate report. when generate report all fugures are missing.
We request you to avoid office working time. If the problem is still not solved, send an email to [email protected].
56. JAYARAM V S - 20/02/2024, 07:09:32
Hi team, Income tax computation is not working for the year 2023 -24. Site is breaking for the below url once the data is entered and wait for the calculated result. Any help will be much appreciated.
Your login account has some problems, we will fix it. Send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
57. Chandrakanth R Lamani - 19/02/2024, 23:01:56
Working fine without login, but in login after filling the details and giving calculate, it's showing error.
Your login account has some problems, we will fix it. Send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
58. Jismy - 19/02/2024, 22:28:36
Hi team, Income tax computation is not working for the year 2023 -24. Site is breaking for the below url once the data is entered and wait for the calculated result. Any help will be much appreciated.
Your login account has some problems, we will fix it. Send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
59. Anilkumar - 19/02/2024, 21:57:11
Sir , After Enter The Data and Calculate The tax it will be error to show the statement is the previous year
OK. We will fix it tomorrow
If the problem still exists, send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
60. Anu Radhakrishnan - 19/02/2024, 21:32:16
After entering all data and calculate option, erorr is displayed. Also when i am trying to get the filled form pdf, I'm getting blank form and that too my old school name is displayed
We are looking into it. Check back tomorrow.
If the problem still exists, send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
61. Sasikanthan - 19/02/2024, 19:23:22
While editing an existing file, data is saved.But it is not reflecting in printout
OK. We will check. Please wait.
If the problem still exists, send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
62. Basil Thankachan - 19/02/2024, 13:23:53
After entering all details, while saving data error message is being displayed on the screen
It is busy during office hours. So look after that.
If the problem still exists, send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
63. JAWAHAR K - 19/02/2024, 13:17:51
I am trying for the last 3 hours for calculating form 10 E. Still it is not working. May I know when it will be available. Its urgent for me. Kindly rectify it as early as possible.
Try using it during non-office working hours. If you still don't get it, let me know.
If the problem still exists, send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
64. Anil Kumar - 19/02/2024, 12:47:29
Sir this is not working
Sir, Now the site has no problem. It is a terrible rush of tax calculation. Avoid office working time and look at other times.
If the problem still exists, send the username and mail id to [email protected]. For now, do the calculations from another user login or create a new account.
65. Sasikanthan - 14/02/2024, 18:30:08
Now(14/2/2023 6.20PM) , FILE IS NOT SAVING.
Sir, we are working on to it. Thank you for your valuable support.
66. Ajithkumar K P - 13/02/2024, 10:19:57
Under New Regime Total taxable income 1) Rs 728330 Tax Rs 28946 2) Rs 717760 Tax Rs 18470 Please rectify the error
From FY 2023-24, a tax payer who opts New Tax Regime will not have to pay a tax amount greater than the amount which exceeds 7 LAKHS. For example, if the total taxable income is Rs. 7,00,100/-, the tax amount will not be greater than Rs. 100/-. Practically, this will benefit for those who have a taxable income upto Rs 7,27,770/-.
67. Boby - 13/02/2024, 03:23:31
There is a difference in tax calculated between Al rahman & Ecostat. Al rahman is less tax than ecostat
OK, we will check. Can you send those two statements to [email protected]
68. ANSAR - 09/02/2024, 12:14:29
Ok, will be corrected soon.
69. Afsal K - 08/02/2024, 18:31:28
Please have a option to enter the long term and short term capital gains as income.
Let's check it out. If possible, it can be added in the next financial year
70. Abdurahiman KP - 07/02/2024, 10:56:19
Sir, Have you prepared the Final Income Tax Statement for 2023-24 (AE 2024-25) ?
71. SUBHIJA - 06/02/2024, 22:11:36
Last time mediclaim was accepted fr new reigime. what abt professional tax? is it also not included?
Ok. Let's check.
Mediclaim and professional tax cannot be deducted in the new regime.
72. SUBHIJA - 06/02/2024, 18:33:56
Mediclaim amount not reflecting on taxable income
Mediclaim will be deducted in old regime. But it will not be deducted in the new regime. Check again which regime you have selected.
73. Boban Philip - 05/02/2024, 10:21:02
One mistake noticed in form 16 part B, in the row number 11. Aggregate of deductible amount (10A + 10B) ,again adding the professional tax amount.(double deduction of professional tax ie in 4c and 11)if it's a mistake please check it
Ok. Let's check it out
Sir, error corrected. Thanks for the information
74. JIJO GEORGE - 01/02/2024, 21:34:57
income tax calculator is very helpful to us Congratulation to the ecostatt team..
Thanks. Sir, please avoid compliments and give your valuable suggestions and complaints. And also report the errors and mistakes of the site.
75. LESITHA M L - 30/01/2024, 11:53:26
Yes. Enter the salary received from April onwards from the first column.